Pony to Stallion Challenge




My name is Tyler Horspool (My last name is where the screen name ponypuddle comes from) and I play Magic the Gathering for team Top Deck Keep based in Riverside, California. Recently I’ve become a Magic the Gathering Online fanatic. I, like many pros, realize that playing online consistently makes you a better player significantly faster then traveling to a Local Game Store would (I still recommend both though!). The main two complaints I hear are about how people don’t want to purchase cards online that they already purchased in paper and how expensive it is to buy both paper products and digitial products. My goal with the Pony to Stallion challenge is to take a magic account with very little buyin (in this case around 70 Tix) and build an account that can play any deck (around 1000 Tix). I want to show that not only is it possible to do this but it is relatively easy and just takes time. I will be streaming during large portions of this challenge so if you wanna check us out please do @ twitch.tv/ponypuddle.

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